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Music Production Circulation, Here Is the Protocol

Music Production Circulation, Here Is the Protocol

In the Regional Executive room a Memorandum of Understanding between the Regional School Office for Campania and the Trianon theatre for the promotion of music culture in schools and in the region. The agreement has been signed at the presence of the Regional Minister of Education and Cultural Promotion, Caterina Miraglia, the general director of the School Office, Diego Bouché, and the president of the music theatre in Naples Maurizio D’Angelo. Also attending the member for the Parliament Marcello Taglialatela and the director of the Usr office (Regional Education Department) for Youth Policies Ugo Bouché. The agreement will allow the realisation and the coordination of common actions in favour of students of schools of Campania of every grade and type, such as initiatives for listening education and musical practice.

Thanks to this agreement, the Usr will foster, at schools and students’ Council, the promotion of common initiatives (online projects, operators’ training and refreshment, diffusion of musical practice) and the circulation of information on Trianon’s activities. From its part, the public theatre will make its structure available with its personnel for initiatives and events promoted in cooperation with the Usr; it will favour the access, through appropriate promotions, to its music and theatre events related to the school world; it will promote specific initiatives for education to music fruition; it will encourage the participation of schools in dedicated initiatives organised by the theatre (rehearsals, laboratories, seminars, meetings with artists), which may foster the cultural growth of young people; it will offer its professional experience in the field of music, also operating at schools.

Each week pupils will go to the theatre to live the phases of its productive life more closely, and to foster the cultural growth of young talents and new professionals.

“There exists already – the Regional Minister Miraglia says – a strong synergy between the regional school system and the entire show business. What is new is that we are regularising the relations between schools and theatres. The Trianon, in particular, affects a very difficult area, and can therefore represent a very good instrument to transmit a better consciousness of social culture”. “I agree – adds the general director Bouché – with this protocol with great pleasure, as it allows young people to live a new and interesting educational experience using such an important public theatre”.

"A strong cooperation with the world of school and education – clarifies president D’Angelo – fall within the strategic lines of the theatre. Through the signing of this protocol we intend to start, as a public organisation, a fruitful dialogue with schools. We want to plan together useful synergies for nurturing a feeling of belonging in young generations in a vital perspective, a feeling coming from history and tradition”.