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Shopping Centres, more “natural” shopping, more development and more jobs

Shopping Centres, more “natural” shopping, more development and more jobs

You can go shopping also in a “Natural shopping centre”. Or rather, strolling around the historical centre of a small town, entering an “integrated” shop, and discovering more than competent staff. Or shopping in a theme Natural Shopping Centre, in a wide range of choice and guaranteed savings. There are fourteen already in Campania; they can be a driving force for development and new employment in the trade sector. Especially now that the new procedural guideline adopted by Regione Campania simplifies the procedures for constituting consortia and their acknowledgement by Municipalities. In addition, training and internships are about to join the sector, improving competencies and the overall value of human resources. Also, the call for new Natural Shopping Centres is ready, with five million Euros allocated by the Ministry of Economic Development.

Satisfied both the regional president Caldoro and his councillor for the productive activities and economic development, Fulvio Martusciello. “An efficient and quick answer”, the governor underlines. “Trade, a driving resource of our productive system”, the latter adds.

Here the details of the new procedural guideline. The Natural Shopping Centres have to have no less than 25 shopping units for the themed ones. Sixty and forty units for territorial centres, respectively situated in the main cities of provinces or in all the other Municipalities. Obviously, there are requirements to attend, in order to make the request to the Municipality that is competent in the territory. The reasoning behind this is the integration and optimisation of services. Among these, training and internships for the staff, measures for promotion and funding of the businesses included in the Natural Shopping Centre, all for giving the idea of a network made of retail shops and better services for clients.

The mechanism seems to work. The current fourteen Centres gather about a hundred small and medium-sized businesses. In the province of Avellino there are the consortia “Ariano centro storico” and “Lioni centro”; in the province of Caserta the “Borgo commerciale normanno” (Aversa), the consortium “A-Life” (Alife), “Aversa città”, “Le botteghe del centro” (Caserta), “Umberto I e Croce” (Villa Literno); in the province of Salerno the consortia “Cava” (Cava de’ Tirreni) and “Facciamo centro” (Battipaglia); in the province of Naples, “Borgo Partenope”, “Antico Borgo Orefici”, “Botteghe tessili” (Napoli), consortium “Infiniti” (Nola), “Unione imprese Epomeo” (Somma Vesuviana).

If you want an alternative way of shopping, different from the usual shopping malls, there is nothing better than choosing a “natural” shopping centre.