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Made in Campania, Measures to Support Regional SME

Made in Campania, Measures to Support Regional SME

The guidelines for the growth of internationalisation and go-ahead to the project “Promozione del Made in Campania” have been approved. The internationalisation activities consist in a series of actions divided into areas of intervention: establishment of a Regional control room to guarantee a major coordination of the strategies; activation of a regional contact office with Desk Italia to attract investments; definition of “Progetti Paese”, which contemplate missions and attendance to international fairs in Italy and abroad; support actions to SME, through information services, assistance in the search of productive partners, specific analysis on commercial potentials; evaluations of hypothesis of manufacturing establishments abroad.

As for the support to SME, it is contemplated the activation of a Revolving Fund for Internationalisation, a Guarantee Fund for Internationalisation, an Inward Foreign Investment Fund, Vouchers for attending international fairs and for acquiring services for internationalisation.

“To start the actions we have allocated resources for one and a half million Euros”, declared the Regional Minister for the Productive Activities Fulvio Martusciello. “The decision of the Regional Executive board led by Caldoro originates from the export trend of Southern Italy firms, which, in a particularly critical moment for the national economy, represents a remarkably positive element. For the first time Campania is provided with a general and integrated plan for the realisation of internationalisation actions in favour of SME. Regione Campania also intends to proceed in line with the actions of the National Control Room”.

As for the Project “Made in Campania”, the Regional Minister Martusciello declared: “Resources equal to one and a half million Euros have been allocated for actions to help enterprises to join missions in Italy and abroad. Through this action – Martusciello concluded – we start the first operational phase of the general actions for development”.